Rights vest
Unless otherwise stated on the official LCA website, all rights to all products, technologies, software, programs, data, and other information on the official LCA website are owned by LCA's official website service providers and/or their affiliates. No one may use the LCA without permission from LCA's official website service provider and/or its affiliates without any monitoring, copying, distribution, display, mirroring, uploading, downloading, etc., including, but not limited to, robots, spiders, and other programs or devices. Any content on the official website.
The LCA official website's "立巢航空", "LCA" and other words and/or logos, and other logos, emblems, product and service names of LCA's official website are all official LCA service providers and/or their affiliates in China. You must obtain prior written authorization from the LCA official website service provider and/or its affiliates for any use, such as publicity, display, and other trademarks.
Other LCA official website service providers and/or their affiliates do not claim rights to the text and/or logos, emblems, product and service names may be the trademarks of their respective owners, without the consent of the respective right holders. You should not be construed as having the right to use the aforementioned trademarks displayed on the official LCA website.